Dedicated Cloud Hosting
Is your critical data securely stored? How often is your data backed up? Can you scale to handle high traffic demands? With billions of dollars being exchanged in the web economy, you simply can't afford the risk of your website going down. You can rest easy knowing that the Ethode team will provide you with rock-solid cloud hosting that is scalable, reliable and secure.
Shared Hosting
Not looking to be the next Facebook? That's OK, too. If you have a smaller traffic site, or a simple brochure site, a shared hosting plan from Ethode may be more suitable for you. With shared hosting, your cost is reduced by distributing that cost with other sites on the same server. Afraid you might outgrow a shared hosting plan? No problem. You can always easily upgrade to a dedicated cloud plan later if needed.
Content Management Hosting
Ethode is a registered gold partner with dotCMS. Ethode offers dotCMS hosting that is scalable, stable and secure. We can consult with you on your hosting strategy, take care of setup and implementation, handle remote dotCMS administration, and estimate costs for you.